

Prosperity Data360 is an open data initiative of the World Bank dedicated to streamlining access to and promoting the use of development data. The Prosperity Data360 platform offers a wealth of data, resources, and tools to inform policy measures that foster inclusive and sustainable growth. In doing so, it contributes to the World Bank's twin goals of poverty reduction and the promotion of shared prosperity, all while ensuring a livable planet for future generations.

The Prosperity Data360 platform includes data from more than 150 public sources with worldwide coverage, designed to help identify problem areas, provide guidance on the design of reforms, and monitor progress. The platform aggregates and visualizes data from multiple sources and presents it in tandem with other knowledge insights, tools, and resources.

Visitors of the platform can:

  • Data Sources: Access comparable data from over 150 public sources with global coverage.
  • Data Exploration: Explore data at the country, topic, dataset, or indicator level.
  • Metadata: View extensive metadata for indicators and datasets.
  • Search: Easily find indicators, datasets, countries, or topics.
  • Comparative Analysis: Compare countries across similar indicators.
  • Trend Analysis: Plot indicators over time to identify trends.
  • Country Snapshots: Download country snapshots with data from multiple sources.
  • Data Visualizations: Create and share data visualizations using embedded graphical tools.
  • Data Export: Print, share, and download charts in various formats.
  • Data Download: Download data and metadata in Excel format.
  • Programmatic Access: Access data programmatically through an API.
  • Related Resources: Access blogs, publications, tools, and other content.
  • Methodology: Follow links to data source sites for detailed explanations of the methodology.
  • Data Availability: View data availability information at a country level and compare data availability across countries.
  • Support and Feedback: Send queries about data needs, usage, or indicator definitions and methodologies. Provide feedback about content and functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Prosperity Data360 platform is a compendium of datasets and indicators covering a spectrum of thematic areas related to development. It includes data from more than 150 public sources with worldwide coverage, designed to help identify problem areas, provide guidance on the design of reforms, and monitor impacts.

The platform provides a user-friendly interface for accessing a diverse range of data sets, making it easier for policymakers, students, government officials, and World Bank staff to find, analyze, and utilize valuable information. Learn more about Prosperity Data360

The Prosperity Data360 includes data from more than 150 public sources. Below are a few sources included on the platform:


For a complete list of data sources, visit the datasets page

We endeavor to maintain the most recent data in synchronization with the original sources. Data updates across all the data sources are planned twice a year - during Spring and Fall, to coincide with the World Bank Annual Meetings. Some of the datasets will be updated more frequently. 

The last updated information can be accessed for indicators and datasets in their respective pages. The data present in the site is the most recent data as of the ‘Last Updated’ date. Even if the data has not been updated in the source, ‘Last Updated’ date indicates that Prosperity Data360 scanned the source for updates on that date. If you would like to report an indicator or data source that is not up to date, please send an email to prosperitydata360@worldbank.org.

The Prosperity Data360 offers an API for all available data. Please check the API page for more information.

As we consolidate data from multiple sources with varying country names and codes, we harmonize the country names and ISO3 codes based on the official World Bank list. Economies absent in the list and grouped geographies are removed from the data. Aggregate values for regions, income groups, and the world are calculated with the same approach. The World Bank classification of regions and income groups can be found here.

Some indicators (e.g., GDP, population, etc.) are reported by multiple sources, and users can pick the indicator from the source they prefer. The data source for each indicator is credited in the indicator metadata section.

The data on the Prosperity Data360 is available from a variety of sources (see "Where does the data come from?"). While all the data displayed on this website is publicly available, different sources have different guidelines for re-using their data. Please consult the source organization for the data you wish to use (under the "See source data and resources" button under the indicator name) or see our Terms of Use page for more information.

A note to the data sources: we endeavor to abide by the terms of use of all datasets and include only those that are available for redistribution. Links to the original source are made available in the detail page for each indicator and dataset. In case you prefer your dataset to be omitted from the Prosperity Data360 platform, please write to us at prosperitydata360@worldbank.org.

If you have any questions, feedback, or encounter any issues, please email us at prosperitydata360@worldbank.org.


If you have any questions, feedback, or issues, please email us at prosperitydata360@worldbank.org.